Child Vikas Foundation
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Child Vikas Foundation

Medical camp at Vijayawada

Child Vikas Foundation: Big Check-Ups, Big Hope!

Remember the scary days of the big cough and cold during Covid? Child Vikas Foundation did too! That's why they rolled out their amazing "Mega Health Check-Up Drive" – like a superhero team fighting sickness in the community center!

Imagine doctors and nurses in white, setting up mini hospitals. No stuffy buildings, just open air and open hearts! They checked everything – coughs, aches, even teeth and eyes. Everyone got a chance to feel better, from tiny tots to tired grandmas and grandpas.

And it wasn't just about the big cough. They wanted everyone healthy and happy, so dentists tackled tooth troubles and eye doctors made blurry visions clear. Kids danced around, smiles wider than ever!

Bringing health and hope to children in need: We provided general and essential medicines along with supplements like multivitamins, calcium, and iron to support their well-being

But these heroes needed backup. That's where kind helpers stepped in, guiding folks and spreading hope like sunshine. Every test, every check-up, was a victory against sickness, a step towards a brighter future.

You can be a part of this too! By helping Child Vikas Foundation, you become a health hero, building a healthier world one check-up at a time. Your small act can make a big difference, like magic medicine for everyone!

So join the fight, be a hero, and donate today! Watch the smiles grow and the sickness shrink, all thanks to your kindness. Remember, every bit helps, like a tiny seed growing into a giant tree of health!

Your Donation will bring smile on the faces of your recipients